You Can Run, But You Can't Hide!

Hey, Beauties!

Do you ever recall a time in your life when you tried to run away?  Have you ever heard of the saying: “Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win”? Now, I’ve never had the guts to run away from home at such a young age because if you were raised by no-nonsense, didn’t play that mess parents like mine were, then honey, I would have been skinned alive! LOL! But in all seriousness, I have heard stories from others who tried to run away from home because they didn’t want to face the consequences of their actions. When I was about ten years old, I remember getting in trouble at school because of my grades. After speaking to the principal, I almost knew immediately that she would be making a call to my parents about the events of that day. I was terrified, and as I proceeded off the school bus that day, I had thoughts of running away and not going back home. I didn’t want to face the harsh reality that my parents were going to punish me because of my actions in school that day.  When I was a teenager, I got in trouble at school because of anger, and I was suspended for fighting and using curse words at someone. I just knew that I was going to receive some harsh discipline at school and home, and sure enough, I did. I was so angry and thought I was grown, that I actually left home at the age of sixteen. I packed my bags and left not realizing the course that my life would take due to my anger at my Parents for what I brought on myself. So as life went on, I continued to run when things got hard, I was afraid, didn’t want to face truth or confrontation, people didn’t do things the way I wanted, or I didn’t feel a person loved or treated me the way that I thought they should treat me.

The story of Jonah (Jonah 1:1-3) gives us much insight into how running from God, people, situations, relationships, and sin can cause us problems. God commissioned Jonah to deal with the wicked situation in Nineveh. God had a message for Jonah to deliver to Nineveh, but instead of being obedient, Jonah decided to run. You already know that didn’t make God happy, right? No matter how much Jonah tried to run, he knew God would find him. Jonah eventually stopped running and submitted to God. Jonah did what many of us do when we don’t want to hear or be told to do something: moved to a place where he could no longer hear it. We RUN! There are many revelations and lessons within Jonah’s story. (Read the book of Jonah for more insight)

I was driving home from work in April 2018, at this time, I was so unhappy at my job and wanted to run and leave as I always did when faced with situations.  Sis, I remember like it was yesterday, hearing the Holy Spirit say to me “Do you realize that you are always running? When are you going to stop? What lesson are you learning through it? What purpose does it solve?” I literally had a shocked moment and replied “Huh” and “OMG, you are so right!” I realized that I was not only running away from life situations but still running from God. I had run from God during my teenage years and most of my adult life because I didn’t want to face what he was requiring of me to do. Honestly, I wanted nothing to do with God prior to that. Let’s be honest, I wanted to be grown, do my own thing, and didn’t want anyone telling me what to do. I was also fearful of accepting whatever He required of me. I was numb to it all and wanted nothing to do with it, so I ran to get as far away as possible, but because you are reading this blog you see that God had other plans. There are many lessons in the story of Jonah. What lessons have you learned in reading his story? God will accomplish his purposes, even through reluctant and unwilling servants.

Sis, I’m going to ask you the same thing. What are you running from? Why are you running? What will it solve? What purpose does it have? Are you running from life, relationships, people, yourself, or sin? As long as we are surrounded by our own sense of control it will be difficult in our relationship with God. We will not know God as God. I want to encourage you to stop and pump the brakes. I am a living witness that it is not going to help your journey. I know life may be hard at times and all you can think about is giving up and running away, but just know that you have such an AMAZING Father who loves, adores, and absolutely knows what is best for you. God doesn’t want you to be afraid. When the spirit of running comes against you I command you to REBUKE it. Speak against that spirit because you have the God given authority to do so!! In that moment, when you feel like running drop to your knees in prayer and ask for help. Here is a prayer to help and encourage you:

Dear Heavenly Father:

I boldly come before you thanking you for being who you are! You know my situation and you know my life. You know that I am a runner. I want what I want and sometimes I shut you out of my thoughts. I pray against the spiritual struggle I have endured in my heart and life. Lord, my heart is overwhelmed by so many things, but I am asking that you would overwhelm me with your peace.  Lead me to you as my Rock, my guide, my strength, my comfort, and my refuge. Draw me to run to you first and not to other things. When life situations come, help me to find solace in you and know that you are my justice. Help me to know how much of a good and loving Father you are. I ask these things in your precious name. Amen.

LoveYou! LoveYou! LoveYou!

Stay BeYoutiful!


Melani Pearson